Emergency Lighting Management System

A comprehensive emergency lighting management system and testing solutions for all sizes of project. This removes the disruptions that manual luminaire testing brings to the busy, modern work ennviroment. All testing solutions are compliant to IEC 62034. To keep your emergency lighting 100% maintained, APS offers you:

  • Olympus: mobile workflow software, providing you preventative maintenance alerts, auto generate spare part lists, in field logbook updates.
  • Self-Test: automatic intelligent EBMS to inform you on battery, lamp or electronic failure in blink of the eye.

Reducing your total cost of inspection & maintenance

At APS we offer a comprehensive range of inspection & maintenance systems that offer advantages for specific building types where inspection & maintenance time is critical and needs to be minimized.

With our Emergency Lighting Management System (EBMS) we offer addressable emergency lighting testing with cloud-based remote management and monitoring. Our Olympus solutions delivers the ultimate system to managing emergency lighting, by allowing you to control the entire emergency lighting installation, inspection and maintenance process from any point with a mobile app, web portal or by automating it, with system information, compliance testing and reporting available at any time.

APS offers a distinct product designed to work with generators and or central inverter systems. This system works in conjunction with a generator or central inverter system to supply emergency lighting regardless of local light switch position. This means emergency lighting is no longer dependent on expensive always on lighting. In fact, you can switch off normal lighting or dimm at the end of the day or whenever it’s not needed without jeopardizing emergency lighting operation. These energy-saving devices sense the loss of normal power and, in response, switch the lighting load to a generator- or inverter-fed circuit.

Emergency Lighting Management System

Centralizing your emergency lighting installtion with a certified UL941 central battery unit and our patented PoE fixtures you can reduce the inititial cost of installation and ongoing maintenance by as much as 40%.

Emergency lights are mandatory and deployed in all commercial and multi residential properties. Installations vary from small businesses with few lights up to enormous installations like airports, malls etc.. Because of the life safety requirements for emergency lighting, there are several regulatory requirements related to monitoring the installation. That’s where APS is entering the picture with a complete centralized battery emergency lighting management system reducing the overal cost of installation by over 40 percent. 

What are the main benefits of Emergency Lighting Management System connected with a mesh network:

  • Get automatic monitoring either live or via scheduled reporting.
  • The system can be installed easily by getting information from devices over the air rather than complex serial numbers or QR codes.
  • Improve safety through advanced monitoring and preventative maintenance schedules.
  • Enable new use cases leveraging the density of emergency lights to open new use cases like asset tracking or indoor wayfinding.

To find out more about our solution contact us today.

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