Building Automation System
A smart building is any structure that uses automated processes to automatically control the building’s operations including heating, ventilation, air conditioning, lighting, security and other systems using a building automation system. A smart building uses sensors, actuators and microchips, in order to collect data and manage it according to a business’ functions and services. This infrastructure helps owners, operators and facility managers improve asset reliability and performance, which reduces energy use, optimizes how space is used and minimizes the environmental impact of buildings. Olympus integrates all the various controls for example PoE Lighting, HVAC controls, battery management, etc.. and puts the management in one seamless control panel. Allowing you to manage your entire property from one web based interface anywhere in the world. Eco-System was designed so that your existing infrastructure need not be replaced. Our team of skilled developers have configured thousands of devices from various manufacturers allowing us to integrate all your existing hardware. Call us today for a site evaluation.

At the most fundamental level, smart buildings make occupants more productive with lighting, thermal comfort, air quality, physical security, sanitation and more at lower costs and environmental impact than buildings that are not connected.
Smart office buildings, health care facilities, hospitals, educational facilities, stadiums and many other types of smart buildings exist around the world.
The creation of a smart building
Making a smart building, or making a building smart, begins by linking core systems such as lighting, power meters, water meters, pumps, heating, fire alarms and chiller plants with sensors and control systems. At a more advanced stage, even elevators, access systems and shading can become part of the system.
There is no single set of standards that makes up what a smart building is, but what they all have in common is integration. Olympus is your gateway to creating a smart building.
You don’t even need to move offices or create a new building to work in a smart building. Building automation systems like those from Honeywell or Johnson Controls exist so property owners can take advantage of the power available in older structures with the integration made possible through the framework..
The benefits of a Building Automation System
Creating or transforming a building into a smart building is beneficial for both the owner and the organizations working within.
These benefits range from energy savings to productivity gains to sustainability. Smart building strategies can reduce energy costs, increase the productivity of the facility staff, improve building operations, support sustainability efforts and enhance decision-making across the organization.
One example of energy efficiency is the use of optimal start/stop, which allows the building automation system to learn when it should bring the air conditioning system online for a particular zone in the building. Another feature is electrical loads that are grouped into categories from critical to high priority to non-essential. When the building load is rising and approaching the high limit setting, the nonessential loads are turned off in their subgroup order, followed by the high-priority loads.
Want to learn more or see a demo of the Olympus building automation system? contact us here to schedule an appointment.
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